Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Supreme Compliment!

We were having Sunday dinner and my 17 year old son looked over at the Thanksgiving centerpiece I had..."Mom, did you make that? I like it! That is the first thing you have made that I really like!" We agree on very little and he thinks most of my vinyl is way over the top, so to get his nod of approval was like "WOW!"...guess I'm not a total idiot?! Here is the decorative plate that got his stamp of approval...maybe if I did it once, I can do it again!?

Hope you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


Kathy Jo said...

i want one too!!! i knew tyler had good taste! :)

Em and Jorg said...

Don't ya love teenagers?!? that IS a very CUTE centerpiece. Happy Thanksgiving!