Saturday, July 18, 2009

G is for GRATEFUL!

The economy stinks, life can be hard, and at times, terribly unfair! However, there are many things to be grateful for at the same time; wonderful things all around us that we tend to overlook or take for granted, or that just get overshadowed by the JUNK. My sweet Mom used to always say, "When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade!" and "It is always darkest before the dawn." My Dad was equally positive and had many health challenges before he passed my book, he had a lot he could complain about, but never did! Instead he would always end our conversations with," I've lived a blessed life. I have no complaints." We can't control everything around us, but we can control our attitude...we can laugh or we can cry...
we can focus on our trials or focus on our blessings...we can complain about our circumstances or do something to make life better, either in our life or someone else's! Now don't go thinking I've got this "attitude thing" mastered, but I'm working on it! LIFE really IS GREAT!


Birrell Family said...

I needed this today. Thank you! I sure love you.

ty and megs said...


love the new items. especially that plate.

Em and Jorg said...

LoVe the quotes and how pretty you made them. Thanks for your words!

Adam and Bri said...

hear, hear!

Juli said...

Certainly apropos. What a good thought to start the day off with! Thanks!

Emily said...

I love that Plate! Tai Pan Trading right!?! LOVE it! I bought the cake stand that matches it! (in white) Great thoughts Kathy Jo. I miss you!

bulkleybunch said...

happy jo, i sure love you!!!! thanks for the uplifting words, you truly demonstrate this positive attitude thing, i still need a lot of work! thanks for the example. :)

ali said...

We are putting together a So Thursday You Think You can Dance Finale @ our house this THursday?